Page last updated: 21 February 2020
About...NHS Resolution
Under a Partnership Agreement, representatives of UNISON represent staff side interests on the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC). The Partnership Agreement covers the areas for negotiation and consultation. NHSR staff terms and conditions are covered by the NHS Agenda for Change terms and conditions of service handbook.
Organisational history
NHS Resolution, the operating name of NHS Litigation Authority, is an executive non-departmental public body (or Arm’s Length Body), sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care. It was established in 1995 and changed its name from NHS Litigation Authority to NHS Resolution in April 2017.
The organisation's purpose is to provide expertise to the NHS on resolving concerns fairly, share learning for improvement and preserve resources for patient care. Its main function is to provide indemnity schemes to its members for handling both clinical and non-clinical negligence claims. It covers all NHS trusts in secondary care. In 2019, it launched a new scheme which covers clinical negligence claims for incidents occurring in general practice on, or after, 1 April 2019.
Organisational structure
In addition to claims management, NHS Resolution provides a number of other services to the health service as follows:
- Practitioner Performance Advice: Provides advice, support and interventions in relation to concerns about the individual performance of doctors, dentists and pharmacists.
- Primary Care Appeals: Offers an impartial tribunal service for the fair handling of primary care contracting disputes.
- Safety and Learning: Supports members of its indemnity schemes to better understand their claims risk profiles, to target their safety activity while sharing learning across the system.